Retail One

Product/UX Design and Development

Retail One combines all your retail program needs so you can stop troubleshooting different logins and designs and get back to what matters most…

your customers.

Brick-and-mortar retailers saw a sales boost from stimulus incentives, the rise of cryptocurrency, and clientele migration in the last 5 years. To support new growth, matching programs were developed and added to an expanding list of responsibilities for store employees to juggle, leaving their clients frustrated and abandoning sales.

The Challenge

Project Brief

During user interviews, I discovered every participant uses between 3 to 5 separate programs to complete one transaction from start to finish. They account for a fraction of the programs and employee might use more of less frequently including:

Research and Analysis

  • OMNIchannel

  • Point of Sale

  • Training

  • Reporting

  • Shipping

  • Timesheets

  • Appointments

  • Clienteling

  • Communications

  • Consignments

  • Internal Information

  • Inventory

“I think retail apps are created by people who have never worked in retail.”

- User Interview

Is introducing another app the best solution? I proposed this question during user interviews to test their thoughts on a unified system. Some users felt uneasy relying on a single program in fear of glitches and crashes while others said a single application would significantly improve their workflows because their systems already work at limited capacity if just one is down.

Retail One was born to simplify employee, client, and corporate troubleshooting so they can focus on building stronger relationships and elevated sales. No more juggling apps or wasting time trying to find the right answers. Check out the case study for more details.

The Solution

Appointment Creation

Client Creation

Client Search