
UX/Product Design and Development

PostUp is a user-driven program making it easier for freelance and remote workers to find places to operate in. Search, filter, favorite, review, and share locations from anywhere.

Remote workers waste a lot of time finding adequate places to work from if home isn’t ideal. They often have to look through multiple sources, reviews, and photos before deciding on the right location, but even then it still might not be the right fit.

Users have pre-qualifications that make for the perfect working spot including noise level, distance, and table availability as well as amenities like WiFi, outlet access, and coffee quality among many others. How can we help them find the best locations that fit their needs?

The Challenge

Project Brief

“When I’m searching for a place to work at - I’ll usually find an area with 2 or 3 cafés in case the first one doesn’t work out.”

- User Interview

The logo has been re-design to feel modern and palatable for PostUp’s growing user base. In the brand’s emerald color font, an upward facing arrow has been added that gives the name a dynamic feel and nods to it’s namesake.

Logo Re-design

Research and Insights

Utilizing Google Venture’s Design Sprint methodology like User Interviews and Mapping, Industry Research, Sketching Solution Proposals, Storyboarding, Wire Framing, Prototyping, and User Testing… I designed PostUp. A solution to guide users in finding the perfect spot for their needs.

PostUp highlights “search by amenity” so users can choose what requirements to base their results on in order to eliminate the extra time and effort used sifting through irrelevant reviews. Check out the entire case study for more details.

The Solution
